A famous quote from Benjimin Franklin to start us off;

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

Our coal fired 660MW power plant simulator can be used for demonstrating the various aspects of operating a thermal power plant, hands-on experience is unparalleled for learning the consequences of actions, and simulator training provides this experience uniquely to everyone operating a power plant.

Our generic power plant operating courses, which are theoretical, can be greatly enhanced by incorporating simulated scenarios. These scenarios reinforce the theoretical knowledge of areas such as thermodynamics, steam turbine operation, and electrical systems.

The simulation is designed to respond just like a real plant would, given changing plant conditions and operator input, and it does so in real time.

Power plant simulators are not only for training new or experienced operators but also for conducting decision-making workshops. These workshops cover start times, synchronisation times, and timely interventions when things go awry.

The simulator comes equipped with a variety of operator-controlled models, ranging from a cold start after an outage to changes in load output from minimum to full capacity.

Utilising a simulator to complement theoretical training delivery offers several benefits:

  • Simulation provides focused and comprehensive training, leading to positive impacts on real-life plant operations.

  • Simulation training is inherently safe and controlled.

  • With the simulator's numerous built-in models and a wide array of fault injection options, it's possible to replicate abnormal conditions.

For both upskilling new power plant entrants and refreshing the skills of more experienced operators, simulation proves to be an invaluable tool. For more information regarding our simulator or courses please contact us on 01283 684 020 or email enquiries@pptrainingltd.com

Learning by Simulation